
The market leading industry interaction solution, built specifically for complex energy and water markets.

MarketFlow for Your business

Since its deregulation in '98/'99, the energy retail market has thrived on competition, prompting the necessity for seamless electronic communication among all stakeholders, especially energy supply companies. Similarly, in 2017, the English water market opened its doors to competition for business customers.

The UK market is one of the most sophisticated and flexible markets globally, and  also one of the most demanding in terms of the number and complexity of different messages that are communicated between industry participants.

Each market participant requires the capability to efficiently exchange a high volume of unstructured, semi-structured and structured messages, validate those messages from a technical and business perspective, respond when necessary, and seamlessly integrate critical business data into internal systems such as billing and CRM.

These markets continues to evolve, most recently with the planned move to MHHS for electricity retail.  All new massage formats and types must be catered for to continue operating in the market, along with a suitable DIP Adaptor.

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